The beaming process was a near disaster the first time, however lessons learned and a careful unwrapping of the beginning of the warp chain dividing the yarn back into it's 58 x 12 strand bundles, and placing each bundle into one of the comb spaces.
The main lesson learned from the first time is to ensure an even spread of the threads, otherwise the treads build up and one rotation of unwinding gives more thread than on a thin bit, and the tension then varies across the warp.... this is not good. Here the warp is over the comb either side of the 2 sticks alternately and evenly spread onto the beam.
The beam is wound tight against a weight on the yarn chain, the weight has to be slid down every few turns, until a nice even beam is wound and the far ends of the yarn are reached, These pieces are short as they are only practice pieces about 2.5 Kg yarn in the warp.
Nice and even through out
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